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Buy Orthopedics & Compression Socks Houston

Buying compression socks in Houston has never been easier. Visit one of our 2 locations below and browse all different types of compression stockings, back braces, knee braces, wrist splints and much more!

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5+ Styles

Compression Socks In-Stock

50,000+ Customers Served

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Posture Control Braces

These braces will help you lift your back and shoulders upright so that your posture does not bend forward as much. At the very least they will remind you to stand up straight.

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Knee Braces

Knee braces are also among the most popular types of braces that people shop for. These will support the flexibility and pain in your knee or patella.

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Abdominal Binders

Many people come across abdominal pain or hernias in the abdomen area. For these reasons, compression is needed and an abdominal binder will likely provide support.

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Neck Collars

Neck or cervical collars are great for neck injuries or pain. They will keep your head raised and neck supported. We carry both foam and hard neck collars in-store.

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Clavicle / Shoulder Supports

These clavicle supports will be similar to posture control braces and will also provide additional support for your shoulders.

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Ankle Braces

Ankle injuries are very common and the first thing a doctor might recommend is compression. These braces will provide support for your ankle during an injury.

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Hernia Briefs / Belts

We carry two options for hernia support. These options are both padded and offer different sizing.

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Wrist Splints

We carry a variety of different wrist splints ranging from 6' to 8' supporting both wrists or abducting your thumb. For less firm options, we carry flexible wrist and thumb supports as well.​

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Back / Lumbar Braces

Back braces are probably the most common braces. People may wear a back brace for injury or simply just support throughout the day. We have various different options for you to try in-store.

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Post Op Shoes / Short Walker Boots

We carry both short walkers and post op shoes for different foot injuries you may come across. We can size you in-store and you can walk better the same day.

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Arm Slings

We carry both regular and padded arm slings in-store that fit universally any individual. 

Compression Socks in Houston


8-15 Compression Socks

Lightest level of compression. Typically for preventative care. (38).png

30-40 Compression Socks

Highest level of compression provided by Jobst and typically prescribed by a doctor. (36).png

15-20 Compression Socks

Most common and medium level of compression. Popular for people on their feet all day or who like to travel.

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Leg Compression Machine

This leg compression machine is amazing for those who have trouble getting socks on or simply want another form of reducing their swelling. Just plug into an outlet, wrap around your legs and pick a mode. (37).png

20-30 Compression Socks

This is a moderate to high level of compression sock. 

Benefits and uses of compression therapy

  • What is the difference between a walker and rollator?
    The distinction between a walker and a rollator is the presence of wheels. When you move, all four legs of a walker remain in touch with the ground. To move ahead, the walker must be elevated. A rollator is sometimes known as a "rolling walker with a seat." A rollator has four wheels and brakes and does not require lifting to move. Because the wheels swivel, rollators are easy to maneuver. Rollators are often huge, making them difficult to handle within tiny apartments or short corridors. Walkers are more difficult to maneuver and traverse, but they are more stable since all four legs remain on the floor.
  • What should I look for in an elderly walker or rollator?
    Whether you're shopping for yourself or a loved one, there are certain features that a walker should carry to best fit your lifestyle. If you're someone who is looking for balance and stability then you might want to choose a standard walker that keeps you grounded. If you want more independence and quicker mobility then a rollator could serve you best. If you need a walker for your elderly parents that still drive themselves and need something lightweight to get in and out of the car then the "EZ Fold Walker" or "lightweight rollator" could be a great solution. Whatever the case may be, make sure to have something in mind for your needs so that you can narrow down your choices when you come to a medical supply store to make a decision.
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