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Buy PureWick Catheter System in Houston

The PureWick™ Catheter System is a revolutionary, non-invasive solution for managing urinary incontinence, providing comfort and convenience at home. It uses gentle suction to draw urine away from the body, helping to keep skin dry and reduce the risk of irritation.


Designed for both women and men, the system offers a discreet, easy-to-use alternative to traditional methods. With the PureWick™ Catheter System, you can experience improved hygiene, comfort, and peace of mind, making it an ideal choice for effective incontinence management.

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PureWick for Women

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Female External Catheter

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What is the PureWick System?

How it Works:

The PureWick™ System offers an innovative approach to managing urinary incontinence for both women and men. It uses suction and an external catheter to direct urine away from the body into a sealed collection canister, keeping the skin dry


The system includes:


  • PureWick™ Urine Collection System: This features a suction pump, a collection canister with a lid, and tubing. The system pulls urine through the tubing into the canister, where it is stored until disposal.

  • PureWick™ External Catheters: These are connected to the collection system and positioned outside the body. For women, the catheter is held in place by body contours, while men use an adhesive seal:

    • PureWick™ Flex Female External Catheter fits comfortably around the body, staying securely in place.

    • PureWick™ Female External Catheter was the original breakthrough for home urinary incontinence management.

    • Male External Catheter provides a non-invasive option for managing urine output.


When the user urinates, the system uses suction to transport the urine through the tubing into the collection canister.

Female External Catheters

How Do the PureWick Female Catheters Work?

The Original PureWick™ Female External Catheter utilizes suction and a soft wick to channel urine away from the body into a collection canister.


The PureWick™ Female External Catheter is positioned outside the body, secured by the natural contours of the anatomy. When the user urinates, the PureWick™ Urine Collection System applies suction to draw the urine through the tubing into the collection canister for storage.

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